Do you feel like you are NOT GETTING ENOUGH VISIBILITY or credit at work? Is your career plateauing leaving you wondering about how to REINVENT YOURSELF? Are you looking to start a new job or business and trying to find a way to STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD?
Well you are not alone . . . Many of us are dealing with these challenges – and have been for most of our careers. There is a way to turn this ship around. Your success is right around the corner, but unless you know what to look for, you may miss it. Career and business success is rooted in knowing how to brand yourself. That’s right . . . BRAND YOURSELF! Many of us miss the mark on PERSONAL BRANDING because:
. . . by C. Parker Williams, Ph.D. is a book and workbook that will demystify the personal branding process and guide you through the process of creating or revamping your self-brand. It will help you identify the excuses, emotions, and destructive habits that stand in the way of you achieving your career goals.
As consumers, we all have preferences for certain brands like Coke vs. Pepsi, Nike vs. Adidas, or The Comfort Inn vs. The Holiday Inn. A certain expectation, emotion, and value come to mind when we think of specific product or company brands.
This same experience is applicable to personal branding. Your brand is the PERCEPTION that others have of you, the VALUE you bring, how you make others feel, and HOW YOU SET YOURSELF APART from others. Your brand is YOUR WOW FACTOR!
Your brand manifests in everything you do including your work, your social networks, your personality, your appearance, your surrounding environment, and even your voicemail!
Have you ever received feedback about yourself that is a BIG DISCONNECT from how you view yourself?
All too frequently we have a perception about ourselves that differs from others. Many of these disconnects can be attributed to PERSONAL BRANDING SLIP-UPS.
Why do our viewpoints often collide instead of coincide with others’? How can we become more conscious of this? How can we promote ourselves without coming across as exploitative or self-serving?
Rest assured, you can BE DELIBERATE about defining or redefining your brand and how others perceive you. You have control!
Personal Branding: Bloopers, Blunders and Boo Boos and how to climb back! shows you how to create a brand that is AUTHENTIC and has IMPACT by highlighting the things that can sabotage your brand. This book focuses on the LAND MINES TO AVOID, your BLIND SPOTS, and the STEPS TO REBOUNDING if you have already made a personal branding mistake, as many of us have.
This book, with its expansive workbook sections, is a powerful tool for individuals, for work teams, and for entrepreneurs. It is relevant for those who are currently working and for those who are transitioning between jobs. The tactics can be used by those at the beginning of their careers and those who are ready to leave a legacy behind. It contains insights and numerous exercises to fuel your personal branding campaign!
Personal branding is an exceptional career management strategy, and one that should be utilized throughout your career.
Everybody loves a great come-back story! The information presented in Personal Branding Bloopers, Blunders and Boo Boos and how to climb back! will:
Purchase the paperback version by visiting amazon.com.
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C. Parker Williams, Ph.D. is an Industrial/organizational psychologist who has had an extensive career working with global companies designing and leading organizational effectiveness strategies. Dr. Williams has presented on personal branding and other career development approaches both nationally and internationally and has coached professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs on individual branding strategies. Learn more about Dr. Williams at www.parkerwilliamsconsulting.com
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